Fall allergies like mold spores, ragweed pollen, and pet dander from outdoor pets can send your symptoms into panic mode. Before they get out of control (or even start!), create a plan to beat fall allergies altogether. Our team would be happy to help!
Minimize Your Symptoms, Maximize Your Days
Fall is Mother Nature’s way of providing relief from the hot summer days. Yes, please! Enjoying the outdoors may be difficult if fall allergens are present. Here are five helpful tips to combat fall allergies:
Stay Hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can significantly help with thinning mucus that may be causing congestion. It will help keep your nasal passages clear and functioning as it should.
Choose Your Fruit Carefully. For those who deal with ragweed allergies, certain fruit like melon, zucchini, bananas, and cucumber can cause your symptoms to flare. This is linked to the protein found in these foods that cause your immune system to misidentify them and overreact, also known as Oral Allergy Syndrome.
Use HEPA Filters. Appliances that use air and trap dirt, such as a HVAC unit and vacuum cleaner, should be equipped with a HEPA filter. These filters are a step above regular filters, as they have a better ability to trap dirt, allergens, and toxins. (Fun fact – HEPA is an acronym for high efficiency particulate air [filter])
Know Your Triggers. Symptoms are your immune system’s way of forcing an unwanted element out of your body. It’s important to know what element is causing your frustrating symptoms. We can identify your allergens via an allergy test.
Wear the Right Clothing. As you rake leaves or work in the garden, make sure you wear pants and a long-sleeved shirt. This will minimize the allergen-to-skin contact that would likely take place. After yardwork, take a quick shower to get any pollen or other allergens out of your hair and off your body.
How Immunotherapy Can Help You Beat Fall Allergies
If you’re looking for a way to eliminate your allergy altogether instead of focusing solely on symptom management, let us introduce you to immunotherapy. This type of treatment focuses on teaching your immune system that it does not need to overreact to the allergen upon contact. This therapy requires a time commitment for the build-up and maintenance phases. But once your treatment is complete, your immune system will have learned not to produce frustrating symptoms!