Stinging Insect Allergies

Am I Allergic to Stinging Insects?

It’s important to know the difference between a normal reaction to an insect sting and a dangerous, allergic reaction. When most people get stung by an insect, the sting site gets red, swollen, and itchy. If you have symptoms beyond that, you might be allergic. If you’re allergic, after the insect stings you for the very first time, the body will produce an antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). If stung again, the Immunoglobulin (IgE) antibody will react with the venom and cause allergy symptoms to occur.

Majorly allergic people might even go into anaphylactic shock. If this is the case, immediate medical attention is needed after injecting the EpiPen. If you’ve had a serious reaction to a bug sting, contact us today and we’ll conduct extensive testing and come up with the best treatment plan for you.

If You Think You’re Allergic to Insect Stings, Call 478-787-4728 to Schedule an Allergy Test.

Identifying Stinging Insects

It’s important to remember that these insects are more likely to sting if provoked. If you see any nests in or around your home, get rid of them immediately. If you come in contact with one of the insects, stay calm and slowly back away from it. Don’t try to swat it away or kill it, you might make it angry enough to sting.


Honeybees and bumble bees are overall not aggressive and their sting won’t harm you. Living in hives in the wild, bees are only stung when provoked.

Fire Ant

Fire ants live in colonies, creating dirt nests in and above the ground. These nests can become very large, holding millions of fire ants who also attack in swarms.