Adult-onset asthma may take you by surprise, as asthma normally begins during the adolescent years. No matter when it begins, it can cause stress and fear to creep in. We’re here to help, as we want you to live confidently amid health diagnoses. Let us highlight important information about adult-onset asthma:
All About Adult-Onset Asthma
Adult-onset asthma is exactly as the name suggests – asthma symptoms first appear when the person is no longer a child. This could be in the teenage years or well into the adult years.
This doesn’t mean that the condition suddenly formed, but rather the triggers that cause the adult-onset asthma symptoms may have been avoided up until now. For example, if pet dander is the culprit of your asthma symptoms and you have never had a pet until now, you wouldn’t know that it was a trigger.
Other possible reasons why adult-onset asthma occurs include viral infections, environmental factors (tobacco smoke, mold, etc.), respiratory problems, and abdominal obesity.
What are the symptoms of adult-onset asthma?
- Chest tightness or pain
- Chronic coughing
- Constant tiredness
- Difficulty breathing
- Frequent attempts to receive more air (i.e., yawning, sighing, or deep breaths)
- Shortness of breath or shallow breaths
- Wheezing
Several of these symptoms overlap with heart attacks and other health conditions. That’s why it’s common for there to be confusion or misdiagnosis with adult-onset asthma. However, if you visit an allergist who is trained to look beyond the symptoms, you can be confident that an accurate diagnosis will be made. Make an appointment with our team today: 478-787-4728
Langford Allergy can help you manage adult-onset asthma.
An asthma diagnosis at any age can be overwhelming, as it is a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition! However, with the right team of medical professionals, medicine, and a management plan that works, you can life a full life. Make an appointment with our team today: 478-787-4728
Stay tuned for our four-part series on different types of asthma:
- Part 1 – A Spotlight on Non-Allergic & Allergic Asthma
- Part 2 – A Spotlight on Adult-Onset Asthma
- Part 3 – A Spotlight on Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB)
- Part 4 – A Spotlight on Occupational Asthma & COPD Overlap